
A survey of perioperative complications and short term outcome after laparoscopic sleeve gastrectomy /

Karim Hussein Mourad Ghaleb

A survey of perioperative complications and short term outcome after laparoscopic sleeve gastrectomy / دراسة للمضاعفات المحيطة بالجراحة و نتائج على المدى القصير بعد استئصال المعدة بالمنظار Karim Hussein Mourad Ghaleb ; Supervised Shreen Mostafa Amin , Gihan Mahmoud Obayah , Ahmed Mohamed Ibrahim Hasanin - Cairo : Karim Hussein Mourad Ghaleb , 2015 - 78 P. : charts , facsimiles ; 25cm

Thesis (M.Sc.) - Cairo University - Faculty of Medicine - Department of Anaesthesia

Methods :Data were collected prospectively in a seven month period from150 patients who were included in the study. All airway, respiratory, cardiovascular and other anesthesia related complications were reported as well as surgical outcomes. Possible risk factors for developing perioperative complications were also reported. Results : No major anesthesia related complications were reported in our cohort of patients. Three cases(2%) of surgical anastomotic leakage were reported with no mortalities. Four cases(2.6%) of difficult intubation were also reported. Risk factors for incidence of airway complications were gender, weight , BMI , smoking , abnormal chest auscultation , abnormal CXR , mallampati score , obesity surgery mortality risk and STOP-BANG score. Risk factors for incidence of respiratory complications were age, gender, weight, smoking ,dyspnea, abnormal chest auscultation , abnormal CXR, abnormal PFTs, mallampati score , neck circumference, obesity surgery mortality risk and STOP-BANG score .Risk factors for incidence of cardiovascular complications were abnormal CXR and STOP-BANG score