
Bio-systematic revision of genus atriplex L. in Egypt : With special reference to atriplex halimus L. the potential fodder species /

Amany Sallam Abdo Mohamed

Bio-systematic revision of genus atriplex L. in Egypt : With special reference to atriplex halimus L. the potential fodder species / مراجعة التقسيم الحيوى لجنس القطف فى مصر : مع الاهتمام بالقطف كنوع اقتصادى للعلف Amany Sallam Abdo Mohamed ; Supervised Wafaa Mahros Amer - Cairo : Amany Sallam Abdo Mohamed , 2015 - 164 P. : 25cm acsimiles ;

Thesis (M.Sc.) - Cairo University - Faculty of Science - Department of Botany and Microbiology

Chenopodiaceae is represented in Egypt by 20 genera and 76 species while genus Atriplex is represented by 18 species. There are many taxonomic problems related to this genus as: earlier taxonomists mentioned different number of species of this genus and different number of varieties in some of the Atriplex species in Egyptian flora, there are many arguments about the presence or absence of some species such as A. littoralis L., A. mollis Desf., A. prostrata Boucher., A. suberecta Verd. and A. tatarica L., and there is also argument about the separation of A. glauca L. and A. stylosa Viv. as two separate species, or as synonyms to one species. The taxonomic revision of genus Atriplex L. was carried out during this work based on fresh material collected from different localities in addition to, herbarium specimens deposited in CAI, revealed that the flora of Egypt contain 18 Atriplex L. species namely: A. canescens (Pursh) Nutt., A. coriacea Forssk., A. dimorphostegia Kar. & Kir., A. farinosa Forssk., A. glauca L., A. halimus L., A. holocarpa F. Muell., A. leucoclada Boiss., A. lindleyi Moq. subsp. inflata (F. Muell.) P. G. Wilson, A. littoralis L., A. mollis Desf., A. nummularia Lindl., A. patula

A. halimus subsp. halimus Atriplex Chenopodiaceae