
CD14+CD16+ peripheral blood monocytes in juvenile idiopathic arthritis subtypes across disease activity states /

Maha Mohammed Taher Ahmed Abdelwahab

CD14+CD16+ peripheral blood monocytes in juvenile idiopathic arthritis subtypes across disease activity states / دراسة سي دي 14+ سي دي 16+ بخلايا وحيدات الدم المحيطي في مرضى التهاب المفاصل التلقائى في الأطفال بمختلف أطواره Maha Mohammed Taher Ahmed Abdelwahab ; Supervised Samia Salah eldin Mahmoud , Azza Abdelkader Ali Elhamshary , Sarah Adel Younan - Cairo : Maha Mohammed Taher Ahmed Abdelwahab , 2015 - 128 P. : charts ; 25cm

Thesis (M.Sc.) - Cairo University - Faculty of Medicine - Department of Pediatrics

Juvenile idiopathic arthritis is the most common pediatric rheumatic disease with significant long-term morbidity and mortality. Both innate and adaptive immunity are involved in the pathogenesis. Measuring the level of both atypical CD14+CD16+ peripheral monocytes subset and typical subset CD14++CD16- in patients during activity and remission showed no significant different for the atypical subset and a significant increase in the typical subset during disease activity especially in the systemic onset juvenile idiopathic arthritis

CD14+CD16+Monocytes Immune system Juvenile idiopathic arthritis