
Diagnostic value of MR spectroscopy and diffusion weighted MRI in discrimination between brain abscesses, necrotic brain tumors and cystic intracranial lesions /

Mai Salah Mohamed Saleh

Diagnostic value of MR spectroscopy and diffusion weighted MRI in discrimination between brain abscesses, necrotic brain tumors and cystic intracranial lesions / القيمة التشخيصية للتحليل الطيفى بالرنين المغناطيسى و الرنين الإنتشارى فى التمييز بين خراجات المخ : أورام المخ النخرية و أفات الدماغ الكيسية Mai Salah Mohamed Saleh ; Supervised Essam Ali Ali Elsheikh , Talaat Ahmed Abdelhameed Hassan - Cairo : Mai Salah Mohamed Saleh , 2015 - 130 Leaves : facsimiles ; 25cm

Thesis (M.Sc.) - Cairo University - Faculty of Medicine - Department of Radio-diagnosis

Brain abscesses and brain tumors may have similar clinical presentations. Also, the differential diagnosis of brain abscesses versus cystic or necrotic tumors may be difficult based on computed tomography or magnetic resonance (MR) imaging findings. However, the strategies of management for abscess and neoplasm are very different, and it is especially imperative to have a correct diagnosis before any surgical intervention of cystic brain lesions. The MR special techniques, e.g. diffusion-weighted imaging (DWI) and MR spectroscopy (MRS), are useful as additional diagnostic modalities for differentiating brain abscesses from cystic or necrotic brain tumors. DWI shows high signal intensity in most cases of pyogenic abscesses and low signal intensity in most cases of cystic or necrotic tumors. MRS shows characteristic metabolites in pyogenic abscesses, distinct from those in cystic or necrotic tumors

Brian abscess Cystic or necrotic brain tumors Magnetic resonance imaging