
Effect of low power multichannel laser acupuncture on partially controlled and uncontrolled asthmatic children /

Inas Elsayed Mahfouz Ahmed Kamel

Effect of low power multichannel laser acupuncture on partially controlled and uncontrolled asthmatic children / تأثير الوخز بالليزر ضعيف القوة متعدد المخارج على الأطفال المصابين بحساسية الصدر المسيطر عليها جزئيا و الغير مسيطر عليها Inas Elsayed Mahfouz Ahmed Kamel ; Supervised Mona Mohamed Soliman , Hala Hamdy Shaaban , Nagwa Hassan Mohamed - Cairo : Inas Elsayed Mahfouz Ahmed Kamel , 2014 - 133 P. ; 25cm

Thesis (Ph.D.) - Cairo University - National Institute of Laser Enhanced Science - Department of Laser Applications in Medical and Biological

Searching on the effect of low power multichannel laser acupuncture on asthmatic children (partially controlled and uncontrolled) according to recent GINA classifications, by comparing both groups of children on their conventional medical treatment we found that group that used laser acupuncture had more improvement in all asthma parameters than the group had their conventional medical treatment

Asthmatic children Interleukin Low power laser acupuncture