
Spectral signature based approach for change detection on remotely sensed data /

Haitham Farouk Abdelfattah

Spectral signature based approach for change detection on remotely sensed data / اكتشاف للتغيرات الزمنية لصور الأقمار الصناعية باستخدام البصمة الطيفية = Spectral signature based approach for change detection on remotely sensed data Haitham Farouk Abdelfattah ; Supervised Ibrahim Farag Abdelrahman Issa , Bassam Mohammed Abdelsallam Abdellatif - Cairo : Haitham Farouk Abdelfattah , 2014 - 181 P. : facsimiles ; 30cm

Thesis (Ph.D.) - Cairo University - Faculty of Computers and Information Systems - Department of Computer Science

Techniques based on multi - temporal, multi - spectral and satellite - sensor have demonstrated potential as a means to detect, identify, map and monitor ecosystem changes. Multi - temporal images processing becomes more and more important in monitoring earth surface. The large collection of past and present remote sensing imagery makes it possible to analyze spatio - temporal and spectro - temporal pattern of environmental elements. However most existing multi - temporal classification methods use the spectral information alone, ignoring the spatial and temporal correlation between images acquired from different dates, in spite of this represents an amount of information far greater than the individual images. However, their analysis is complex and difficult. This enables to extract evolutions of the same geographic area over time to create a generic spectral signature. In this thesis, a database of a generic spectral signatures was created for the three main features of the earth; water, vegetation and soil. As large free archives of Landsat 7 ETM + has been created over time. A temporal series of landsat 7 ETM + scenes of different training sites were used to extract the spectral signatures in a reflectance representation by accumulating the individual signatures collected form the individual scenes

Image processing Remote sensing Satellite images