
Phosphorus use efficiency in corn cultivars /

Amel Lotfi Abd El Lati

Phosphorus use efficiency in corn cultivars / كفاءة استخدام عنصر الفوسفور فى اصناف الذرة Amel Lotfi Abd El Latif ; Suppervised Nabila Hassan Bassioni , Sayed Taha AbouZeid , Youssief Aly Abd El Aal - Cairo : Amel Lotfi Abd El Latif , 2006 - 88P : ill ; 30cm

Thesis (PH.D.) - Cairo University - Faculty Of Agriculture - Department Of Soil Science

Phosphorus deficiency is one of the principal yield limiting factors for crop production in soils of EgyptThe objectives of this study were to evaluate P - use efficiency in 17 corn cultivars under P - deficient soil and to elucidate some of the putative mechanisms governing P - use efficiencyTo achieve this goal , three pot experiments were carried out ; in the first experiment the corn cultivars were grown in P - deficient soil at three levels of P (0 , 50 and 75 mg P kg - 1 soil) for 30 days after plantingThe results showed that shoots and roots dry matter production and P content were significantly affected by P treatments and corn cultivarsBased on dry matter production (shoots plus roots) at low P level and P - use efficiency , corn cultivars were classified as efficient and responsive (ER) , efficient and non responsive (ENR) , non efficient and responsive (NER) , and non efficient and non responsive (NENR)

Cultivars efficiency phosphorus