
The role of MRI in the diagnosis of occult extremity musculo skeletal injuries in children /

Naglaa Mostafa Mohamed Elsied

The role of MRI in the diagnosis of occult extremity musculo skeletal injuries in children / دور الرنين المغناطيسى فى تشخيص اصابات الاطراف المستترة فى الاطفال Naglaa Mostafa Mohamed Elsied ; Supervised Mervat Shafik , Khaled Yacout , Yehia Tarraf - Cairo : Naglaa Mostafa Mohamed Elsied , 2002 - 220P : ill ; 25cm

Thesis (PH.D.) - Cairo University - Faculty Of Medicine - Department Of Radio-diagnosis

Children Injury MRI Musculoskeletal Occult