Dose to non-routinely delineated risk organs in left postconservative surgery conformal breast irradiation /
Mahmoud Mohamed Mahmoud Abdelwahed
Dose to non-routinely delineated risk organs in left postconservative surgery conformal breast irradiation / الجرعة الاشعاعية الممتصة للأعضاء غير المقدرة روتينيا في العلاج الاشعاعي للثدي بعد الجراحة التحفظية للثدي الأيسر Mahmoud Mohamed Mahmoud Abdelwahed ; Supervised Ezzat Safwat Saad , Mohamed Abdurrahman Hassan - Cairo : Mahmoud Mohamed Mahmoud Abdelwahed , 2015 - 121 P. : charts , facsimiles ; 25cm
Thesis (M.Sc.) - Cairo University - Faculty of Medicine - Department of Oncology (Clinical)
25 patients previously treated at NEMROCK for post-operative loco-regional conformal irradiation after left BCS will be included in the study . Delineation of coronaries of the heart was done using the steps provided by University of Michigan Medical Center ,While the brachial plexus was delineated according to the RTOG & Thyroid gland was delineated manually by its gross appearance.Results: Mid beam cut separation ranged from 16.3 cm to 28.7 cm with mean value ± SD (20.5 ± 3.0) while Central lung distance ranged from 1.1cm to 4.0 cm with mean value ± SD (2.4 ± 0.7) . Maximum heart distance mean value ± SD was 2.9 cm ± 1.1 cm.Conformity index mean value was 1.71 with 0.12 SD. The mean value of breast V45 was 82.12 % with 21.3 % SD. While the mean value of the heart V30 was 3.44 % with 3.59 % SD. And the mean value of the heart Dmean was 3.92 Gy ± 2.02 Gy SD. The mean value of the CA Dmax was 41.9 Gy with 6.60 Gy SD. The mean value of the CA Dmean was 23.4 Gy with 10.9 Gy SD. The mean value of thyroid V40 was 32.7 % with 4.1 % SD while the mean value of thyroid Dmean was 20.6 Gy with 5.3 Gy SD. The brachial plexus Dmax was 46.7 Gy with 3.0 Gy SD while the mean value of the brachial plexus Dmean was 33.7 Gy with 6.4 Gy SD. The maximum heart distance when it was less than 3 cm, the mean of the Dmean of the anterior descending coronary artery was 18.5 Gy with SD 10.9 Gy while when more than 3 cm the mean of the Dmean of the anterior descending coronary artery was 27.9 Gy with SD 9.1 Gy with a P-value 0.030 which is statistically significant. The heart V30 when it was less than 2% the mean of the Dmean of the anterior descending coronary artery was 16.9 Gy with SD 10.5 Gy while when more than 2% it was 29.5 Gy with SD 7.3 Gy with a P-value 0.005 which is statistically significant
Breast cancer Coronaries of the heart Radiotherapy
Dose to non-routinely delineated risk organs in left postconservative surgery conformal breast irradiation / الجرعة الاشعاعية الممتصة للأعضاء غير المقدرة روتينيا في العلاج الاشعاعي للثدي بعد الجراحة التحفظية للثدي الأيسر Mahmoud Mohamed Mahmoud Abdelwahed ; Supervised Ezzat Safwat Saad , Mohamed Abdurrahman Hassan - Cairo : Mahmoud Mohamed Mahmoud Abdelwahed , 2015 - 121 P. : charts , facsimiles ; 25cm
Thesis (M.Sc.) - Cairo University - Faculty of Medicine - Department of Oncology (Clinical)
25 patients previously treated at NEMROCK for post-operative loco-regional conformal irradiation after left BCS will be included in the study . Delineation of coronaries of the heart was done using the steps provided by University of Michigan Medical Center ,While the brachial plexus was delineated according to the RTOG & Thyroid gland was delineated manually by its gross appearance.Results: Mid beam cut separation ranged from 16.3 cm to 28.7 cm with mean value ± SD (20.5 ± 3.0) while Central lung distance ranged from 1.1cm to 4.0 cm with mean value ± SD (2.4 ± 0.7) . Maximum heart distance mean value ± SD was 2.9 cm ± 1.1 cm.Conformity index mean value was 1.71 with 0.12 SD. The mean value of breast V45 was 82.12 % with 21.3 % SD. While the mean value of the heart V30 was 3.44 % with 3.59 % SD. And the mean value of the heart Dmean was 3.92 Gy ± 2.02 Gy SD. The mean value of the CA Dmax was 41.9 Gy with 6.60 Gy SD. The mean value of the CA Dmean was 23.4 Gy with 10.9 Gy SD. The mean value of thyroid V40 was 32.7 % with 4.1 % SD while the mean value of thyroid Dmean was 20.6 Gy with 5.3 Gy SD. The brachial plexus Dmax was 46.7 Gy with 3.0 Gy SD while the mean value of the brachial plexus Dmean was 33.7 Gy with 6.4 Gy SD. The maximum heart distance when it was less than 3 cm, the mean of the Dmean of the anterior descending coronary artery was 18.5 Gy with SD 10.9 Gy while when more than 3 cm the mean of the Dmean of the anterior descending coronary artery was 27.9 Gy with SD 9.1 Gy with a P-value 0.030 which is statistically significant. The heart V30 when it was less than 2% the mean of the Dmean of the anterior descending coronary artery was 16.9 Gy with SD 10.5 Gy while when more than 2% it was 29.5 Gy with SD 7.3 Gy with a P-value 0.005 which is statistically significant
Breast cancer Coronaries of the heart Radiotherapy