
Anterior segment optical coherence tomography to assess accuracy of the flap after laser insitu keratomileusis : A comparative study between femtolasik and m2 microkeratome /

Amal Nasr Hashem

Anterior segment optical coherence tomography to assess accuracy of the flap after laser insitu keratomileusis : A comparative study between femtolasik and m2 microkeratome / دور الماسح الضوئى التوافقى الامامى فى تقييم دقة سمك الجنيح الاضافى المتحرك بعد عملية الليزك : دراسة مقارنة بين الفيمتوليزك و قاطع القرنية المجهرى Amal Nasr Hashem ; Supervised Riad Bahey Eldin Shalash , Mostafa Ali Elhelw , Ahmed Hassanein Ebeid - Cairo : Amal Nasr Hashem , 2015 - 70 P. : facsimiles ; 25cm

Thesis (M.Sc.) - Cairo University - Faculty of Medicine- Department of Ophthalmology

Purpose: To compare the thickness of the LASIK flap created by the mechanical microkeratome Moria M2, and that created with femtosecond laser FS150, using anterior segment OCT (Optovue, RTVue). Design: prospective comparative randomized study done at Rowad Corrective centre (RCC). Methods: Flaps were created using the Femtosecond laser Intralase FS150 (average intended flap 113æm± 6.71) in 20 eyes, in the other 20 eyes the flaps were created using mechanical microkeratome Moria M2 90. Flap thickness was measured using AS-OCT 2-4 weeks postoperative (average on 23rd day). Results: In group A: The mean flap thickness was 107om ± 8.37(ranging from 83om to 138 om), the deviation from the 113.5om ± 6.71 mean intended flap thickness was -6.5±9.97 (From -17 to 10). The mean postoperative spherical error was 0.04±0.40(ranging from -0.5 to 1), , cylindrical error was -0.36±0.15 (ranging from -0.5 to 0), the mean postoperative spherical equivalent was -0.14±0.37 (ranging from -0.75 to 0.75) UCVA was 0.95±0.89 (0.8 to 1.25). The mean flap thickness was 144.5æm±19.06SD (ranging from 108æm to 188), we considered the intended flap thickness was 100æm, so the mean deviation from intended flap thickness was 34.5±19.06( from 7 to 59)

Femtosecond laser Laser insitu keratomileusis Microkeratome versus