
New trends in management of multiple myeloma /

Haider Yousif Shukur

New trends in management of multiple myeloma / الطرق الحديثة فى علاج ورم نخاع العظم المايلوما المتعددة Haider Yousif Shukur ; Supervised Wafaa Elmetnawy , Hamdy M.Zawam , Emad Hamada - Cairo : Haider Yousif Shukur , 2007 - 115P. : ill ; 25cm

Thesis (M.Sc.) - Cairo University - Faculty Of Medicine - Department Of Oncology

Multiple myeloma is a hematologic B - cell malignancy associated with evelated serum and urine immunoglobuline plasma cell infitration of bone marrow soft tissue plasmacy and akeletal complications

Management of multiple myeloma Multiple myeloma Plasma cell