
Uterine and subendometrial arteries doppler in patients with recurrent first trimestric abortion /

Ahmed Rabie Mohamed Abdelhamed

Uterine and subendometrial arteries doppler in patients with recurrent first trimestric abortion / دوبلر الشراين الرحمية وأسفل بطانة الرحم في مرضى الاجهاض المتكرر فى الاشهر الثلاثة الاولى من الحمل Ahmed Rabie Mohamed Abdelhamed ; Supervised Tarek Fawzy Mohamed , Doaa Salah Eldin Mahmoud , Suzi Abdelaziz Abdelhamed - Cairo : Ahmed Rabie Mohamed Abdelhamed , 2015 - 108 P. : charts ; 25cm

Thesis (Ph.D.) - Cairo University - Faculty of Medicine - Department of Gynecology and Obstetrics

objective: To evaluate uterine artery blood flow using pulsed Doppler, and subendometrial blood flow using three-dimensional (3D) power Doppler, in women with recurrent pregnancy loss compared to normal fertile women. study design: Case control study at Kasr El-Aini hospital, 50 women with unexplained recurrent pregnancy loss were compared to 50 women with no history of miscarriage and at least one child born at term controls. In the mid-secretory phase, the endometrial thickness and volume, uterine artery pulsatility index (PI) and subendometrial 3D power Doppler vascularization index (VI), flow index (FI), and vascularization flow index (VFI). The indices between the two groups were compared. results: The uterine artery PI (P = 0.000) were significantly increased and the subendometrial VI (P = 0.000), FI (P = 0.000), and VFI (P = 0.000) were significantly decreased in the study group. The endometrial thickness (P = 0.95) and volume (P = 0.69) were not significantly different between the two groups. conclusion: The presence of good uterine and endometrial blood flow is an important prerequisite for successful implantation and continuation of pregnancy. larger prospective studies are needed aiming to confirm cut off values that can accurately predict the occurrence of miscarriage

Subendometrial flow Uterine artery Doppler Uterine receptivity