
Assessment of pubertal growth spurt in Egyptian adolescents using middle phalanx of the middle finger(MP3) in Cairo governorate : A Cross sectional study /

Karam Faisal Kharsa

Assessment of pubertal growth spurt in Egyptian adolescents using middle phalanx of the middle finger(MP3) in Cairo governorate : A Cross sectional study / تقييم سن طفرة نمو البلوغ لدى المراهقين باستخدام السلامية الوسطى من الأصبع الأوسط - محافظة القاهرة : دراسة مقطعية عرضية Karam Faisal Kharsa ; Supervised Sanaa Abuzeid Soliman, Fatma Abdou Abdelsayed - Cairo : Karam Faisal Kharsa , 2015 - 79 P. : facsimiles ; 25cm

Thesis (M.Sc.) - Cairo University - Faculty of Oral and Dental Medicine - Department of Orthodontics

The present study was undertaken to assessthe pubertal growth spurt in a group of Cairo school male adolescents, usingthe developmental stages of the middle phalanx of the middle finger (MP3) as a skeletal maturation index. This study was conducted as a part of research project between Ministry of Health and Faculty of Oral and Dental Medicine ,Cairo Universityrepresented by Orthodontic Department. It included seven separate studies in different Egyptian governorates.This present study was conducted in Cairo governorate. A total sample of 1500 adolescent males wereincluded in the research. Their circumpubertalages were ranged from 11 to 16 years with mean age 13.6 years. Middle phalanx of the middle Finger (MP3) was digitally radiographed for each subject. Each film was interpreted to define its MP3 developmental stage and the data were collected and statistically analyzed. Basedonthefindingsof thisstudy,thefollowing conclusions could be drawn : 1. The mean skeletal maturity age (MP3-G stage) that represent the peak of height velocity(PHV)in Egyptian Cairo adolescent males was found to be 13.57 ± 0.95years which wasapproximately8,64 monthsafterpre-peakstage. 2. The start of thepre-peakstage (MP3-FG)of pubertalgrowth was reached at 12.85 ±0.94 year . This means that the growth modulationtreatment by functional orthodontic appliances shouldbe done in male adolescent within range of 12.85y to 14.6y that represents the active period of pubertal growth between the pre-peak (MP3-FG) and the post-peak (MP3-H) stages respectively

Egyptian adolescents Middle phalanx Pubertal growth spurt