
Assessment of left ventricular mechanical dyssynchrony in patients with severe mitral regurgitation of rheumatic etiology /

Raafat Hassan Mohamed Saleh

Assessment of left ventricular mechanical dyssynchrony in patients with severe mitral regurgitation of rheumatic etiology / تقييم الاختلال التزامني الميكانيكي للبطين الايسر في مرضي الصمام الميترالي ذو الارتجاع الشديد نتيجة الحمي الروماتيزمية Raafat Hassan Mohamed Saleh ; Supervised Soliman Ghareeb , Wafaa Elaroussy , Azza Farrag - Cairo : Raafat Hassan Mohamed Saleh , 2015 - 159 P. : facsimiles ; 25cm

Thesis (Ph.D.) - Cairo University - Faculty of Medicine - Department of Cardiology

The degree of left ventricular mechanical dyssynchrony in patients with severe mitral regurgitation of rheumatic etiology is not well known. Echocardiographic methods have been used to assess LV mechanical dyssynchrony, are still lagging. Results: There was statistically significant difference between the two groups regarding Ts-SD, Ts-Dif, corrected Ts-SD and corrected Ts-Dif (p = 0.000). There was statistically significant differences between the two groups regarding Tmsv16-SD% and Tmsv12-SD% (p = .026 p = 0.027) respectively, and also there was statistically significant difference between the two groups regarding Tmsv6- SD% (p = 0.017).and Tmsv6 -Dif% ( p = 0.016) . In our study the prevelance of LV dyssynchrony was [(22.5)(7 RHD patients from 31 RHD patients)] by using SDI cut-off 8.3% , and the prevelance of LV dyssynchrony was [ (19.4) (6 RHD patients from 31 RHD patients)] by using the Yu index cut-off 32.6 ms. Pearson's correlation coefficient in RHD patients showed Dyssynchrony parameters: Tmsv16-SD% and Tmsv12-SD% were statistically significant negatively correlated with 2DEF ( r = - 0. 535 P = 0.002) ( r = -5.489 P = 0.042 ) and with 3DEF ( r = - 5.518 p = 0.020) ( r =-0.255 P = 0.04) respectively., but Tmsv16-SD% was Positive statistically significant correlated with LVESD (r = 0.471 P = 0.007) with LVESV( r = 0.990 p = 0.000 ) with EDV3D (r = 0.527 P = 0.002) and with ESV3D ( r = 0.551 p=0.002). Tmsv12 SD% was positive statistically significant correlated with EDV3D ( r = 0.502 P= 0.004 ) and with ESV3D ( r = 0.478 P = 0.002) with PASP ( r = 0.356 P= 0.030 ) with regugitant volume ( r = 0.420 P = 0.013) . 2DEF was Positive statistically significant correlated with 3DEF (r = 0.409 P = 0.022). Conclusion: this is the first study to demonstrate that in patients with severe MR due to rheumatic etiology there is left ventricular dyssynchrony. RT3DE and TDl were able to objectively and accurately evaluate LV function and LV dyssynchrony

Dyssynchrony Mitral Regurgitation Rheumatic