
Trial for standerdization of prophylactic antibiotics based on results of previous cultures in cranial neurosurgical procedures at Kasr Al-aini teaching hospital.does it reduce incidence of CSF and surgical site infection? /

Beshoy Nawar Hanna

Trial for standerdization of prophylactic antibiotics based on results of previous cultures in cranial neurosurgical procedures at Kasr Al-aini teaching hospital.does it reduce incidence of CSF and surgical site infection? / محاولة توحيد المضادات الحيوية الوقائية بناء على مزارع سابقة فى عمليات جراحة المخ والأعصاب بمستشفيات قصر العينى التعليمى .هل يؤدى الى خفض معدل الالتهاب فى السائلالمخى ومكان الجراحه ؟ Beshoy Nawar Hanna ; Supervised Tarek Ahmed Mostafa Radwan , Rania Samir Fahmy - Cairo : Beshoy Nawar Hanna , 2015 - 75 Leaves : charts , facsimiles ; 25cm

Thesis (M.Sc.) - Cairo University - Faculty of Medicine - Department of Anaesthesia

Postoperative CSF and surgical site infection in patients undergoing cranial neurosurgical procedures is a challenging issue that may result in serious morbidity & mortality Results The overall incidence of meningitis was 3.5% in the pre-protocol group & 2.1% in the post-protocol group.The incidence of SSI was 4 % in the pre- protocol group & 3.5 % in the post-protocol group. The most common organisms causing meningitis & SSI were Klebsiella, Enterococci, Staph-aureus, Acinatobacter, E-coli & Pseudomonas MRSA.The following organisms [Pseudomonas, Enterococci, Ecoli & MRSA] decreased in the period following application of the protocol, while [Stahp-aureus & klebsiella] increased in the period following application of the protocol, although neither the decrease nor the increase were statistically significant. Conclusion Although the incidence of infection decreased after application of protocol this was not statistically significant, this may require a longer period of observation and modification of the prophylactic antibiotic protocol considering the variation of the organisms & results of positive cultures.

CSF LP-BBB Tanderdization