
Prevalence of pregnancy among females on regular haemodialysis /

Maysa Samir Zahran

Prevalence of pregnancy among females on regular haemodialysis / معدل حدوث الحمل فى السيدات تحت العلاج بالاستصفاء الدموى المتكرر Maysa Samir Zahran ; Supervised Mohammed Gamal Eldin Saadi , Magdy Mosaad Eltemamy , Hussein Saeed Elfishawy - Cairo : Maysa Samir Zahran , 2015 - 96 P. : charts ; 25cm

Thesis (M.Sc.) - Cairo University - Faculty of Medicine - Department of Internal Medicine

Confortini P et al., (1971) reported the first successful pregnancy in a woman on chronic hemodialysis (HD). In 1980, the european dialysis and transplant association (EDTA) reported a pregnancy incidence of 0.9%. In 1999 publications pregnancy was reported in 1 - 7% in women on chronic haemodialysis. Fertility is markedly reduced in patients with chronic renal failure. For women with pre- existing renal disease, pregnancy is associated with increased rate of fetal complications and considerable risk of renal disease progression. Early diagnosis of pregnancy in ESRD requires careful attention. Fetal mortality was directly proportional to maternal blood urea nitrogen level (BUN), with no successful pregnancies occurring in patients with BUN greater than 60 mg / dL. Increasing the dialysis dose prolongs gestation, resulting in a higher infant birth weight and thus an infant with better chance of survival. In this theses we will try detect the incidence of pregnancy among married females in childbearing period on regular haemodialysis and detect outcome, complications and possible prognostic factors

ESRD Haemodialysis Pregnancy