
Screening for autoimmune thyroid disease in euthyroid children with Type 1 diabetes /

Hebatt-Allah Hussien Mohamed Galal

Screening for autoimmune thyroid disease in euthyroid children with Type 1 diabetes / فحص أمراض الغدة الدرقية المناعية في مرض السكر النوع الاول Hebatt-Allah Hussien Mohamed Galal ; Supervised Mona Hassan Hafez , Sahar Abdelatty Sharaf , Noha Mousa Azab - Cairo : Hebatt-Allah Hussien Mohamed Galal , 2016 - 134 P. : charts , facsimiles ; 25cm

Thesis (M.Sc.) - Cairo University - Faculty of Medicine - Department of Pediatrics

The aim of the present study was to screen for autoimmune thyroiditis in T1D patients with normal thyroid functions and to study the clinical characteristics of patients with positive thyroid autoantibodies compared to those with negative thyroid autoantibodies.Patients and Methods: The present study is a cross sectional study that included eighty children and adolescents with T1D for 5 years or more (aged between 6 and 18 years) following up at the Diabetes, Endocrine, Metabolic, and Pediatric Unit (DEMPU) outpatient clinic of the Children's Hospital, Cairo University. They were clinically evaluated regarding age and sex, onset and duration of T1D, insulin requirements, glycemic control, frequency and severity of hypoglycaemia, presence of other autoimmune diseases or complications of T1D, anthropometric measurements (Ht SDS, Wt SDS, BMI) and presence of goitre. Samples for thyroid functions (FT4, TSH) and thyroid autoantibodies (antithyroglobulin Abs, antithyro-peroxidase Abs) were taken from included patients. Thyroid ultrasound was done for patients with positive antibodies.Results: Screening for thyroid autoimmunity showed that 9 patients (11.25%) had AIT, 6 patients (66.6%) were positive for both antibodies (anti-TG and anti-TPO), 2 patients (22.2%) were positive for TPO alone and 1 (11.1%) for TG alone. All patients had normal thyroid functions. The prevalence of positive antibodies was more in females than males. Four of them (44.4%) showed abnormalities (in size and echogenicity) in the U/S (3 females and 1 male) with normal vascularity, no cysts or nodules. Both groups (those with positive thyroid antibodies and those with negative antibodies) were comparable regarding sex difference, age, onset of diabetes, frequency and severity of hypoglycemia, insulin requirements, presence of goiter and glycemic control (p>0.05). There was statistically significant difference between the 2 groups in weight SDS, height SDS and BMI (those with positive thyroid Abs had higher weight SDS, height SDS and BMI).

Autoimmune thyroiditis Thyroid Ultrasound Type 1 Diabetes Mellitus