
Assessment and characterization of the radiological impact due to oil production /

Yasser Hassan Ali

Assessment and characterization of the radiological impact due to oil production / توصيف وتقييم الاثر الاشعاعى الناتج عن عمليات انتاج النفط Yasser Hassan Ali ; Supervised Wael M. Elshemey , Yasser Youssef Ebaid - Cairo : Yasser Hassan Ali , 2016 - 120 P. : charts , facsimiles , maps ; 25cm

Thesis (Ph.D.) - Cairo University - Faculty of Science - Department of Biophysics

Naturally-Occurring Radioactive Materials (NORM) sediments is known to occur in the flow lines and discharge areas of produced water, which are generated during oil and gas production. NORM in produced water is an issue with the potential to affect the occupational health of the workers, public, the environment, and production process. The presence of high concentrations of NORM in formation water associated with oil and gas production has been recognized since 1904. However, concerns about the possible associated risks did not arise until the mid-1980s, when the industry and regulators realized that NORM occurrence was more widespread than originally thought and that activity levels could be quite high. The purpose of this study is to assess the potential radiation risks generated from oil and gas processing and to characterize radioactive elements essential for assessment of doses and effects on individuals and surrounding environment. The life-cycle of NORM deposits starting from formation, deposition, identification, control, up to final safe disposal have been thoroughly addressed in the current study. Equipments external effective dose measurements from NORM deposits were measured at some typical equipment used for oil and gas production facilities and found correlated to the amount of produced water and radioactive content in formations

Biophysics Naturally-Occurring Radioactive Materials (NORM) Oil production