
Assessment and correlation of clinical and radiographic failure of pulpally treated primary molars in children more than six years old /

Marwa Aly Abdelhamid Eldomiaty

Assessment and correlation of clinical and radiographic failure of pulpally treated primary molars in children more than six years old / تقيم وربط النتائج السريرية والاشعاعية لعلاج لب الاضراس اللبنية في الاطفال بعد سن السادسة Marwa Aly Abdelhamid Eldomiaty ; Supervised Amr Ezzat , Randa Youssef - Cairo : Marwa Aly Abdelhamid Eldomiaty , 2015 - 92 P. : charts , facsimiles ; 25cm

Thesis (M.Sc.) - Cairo University - Faculty of Oral and Dental Medicine - Department of Pedodontics

Aim: this study was conducted to detect evidence of radiographic failure in pulpotomized primary molars and to find the relation between clinical & radiographic evidence of failure in a group of children more than 6 years old.Subjects and Methods: The study was carried out on 117 formocresol pulpotomized primary molars showing radiographic evidence of failure. Radiographic scoring system was used to score radiographiclly failed pulpotomized primary molars. Clinical examination was done to these molars to detect clinical failure (1-Spontanous pain. 2-Swelling / fistula. 3-Tenderness to percussion. 4-Mobility). Data were tabulated and statistically analyzed. Results: The results of this study showed statistically insignificant differences between gender, age group, type & position of primary molar examined, time elapsed after treatment and type of final restoration, and radiographic failure score. However in case of clinical failure, mandibular teeth showed statistically significant difference than maxillary ones. There was statistically significant difference between clinical and radiographic evidence of failure. Conclusions: Radiographic examination has an essential role in evaluation of success or failure of pulpotomy; where most radiographically failed primary molars were clinically successful

Clinical criteria of failure Pulpotomy Radiographic evidence of failure