
New approach for allocating fault current limiters for limiting short circuit level with system expansion /

Heba Hussein Abdelkhalek Mohammad

New approach for allocating fault current limiters for limiting short circuit level with system expansion / طريقة مستحدثة لاختيار و تسكين محددات تيار القصر عند التوسعات في نظم القوى الكهربية Heba Hussein Abdelkhalek Mohammad ; Supervised Hussain Magdy Zein Eldin - Cairo : Heba Hussein Abdelkhalek Mohammad , 2016 - 87 P. : charts , plans ; 30cm

Thesis (M.Sc.) - Cairo University - Faculty of Engineering - Department of Electrical Power and Machines

The objective of the thesis is to analyze and model the power system before and after system expansion. Sensitivity analysis for both system impedance matrix and resulting short circuit currents are the basic keys to appreciate the increase in the short circuit level. The present thesis has solved this problem by inserting a fault current limiter FCL accompanied with system upgrading to achieve a considerable saving in the investment of high capacity circuit breakers. The power system has been modeled and sensitivity analysis was utilized to allocate fault current limiter capable for compressing short circuit to a safety level

Bus impedance matrix Fault current limiters Short circuit currents