
Patient preferences of anxiety reducing strategies prior to coronary angiography /

Ahmed Fathy Hamid Alkady

Patient preferences of anxiety reducing strategies prior to coronary angiography / استراتيجيات تقليل القلق التي يفضلها المرضى قبل إجراء عملية تصوير الشرايين التاجية Ahmed Fathy Hamid Alkady ; Supervised khairia Abu Bakr Elsawi , Hanaa Youssry Hashem , Lamia Mohamed Nabil Ismail - Cairo : Ahmed Fathy Hamid Alkady , 2016 - 84 P. : charts , facsimiles ; 30cm

Thesis (M.Sc.) - Cairo University - Faculty of Nursing - Department of Surgical Nursing

Coronary angiography is a widespread invasive procedure used for management of coronary artery diseases and heart valve diseases. The aim of the study was to assess the patient preferences of anxiety reducing strategies prior to coronary angiography. The research question was what are the patient preferences of anxiety reducing strategies prior to coronary angiography? A descriptive exploratory design was utilized to fulfill the aim of the study.A convenient sample consisted of 60 adult patients undergoing coronary angiography at one of Cairo University hospitals, Egypt. Three tools were used to collect data pertinent to the study: a) Semi-structured interview questionnaire to assess the subjects socio-demographic and medical related variables data, b) Numeric Visual Analog Anxiety Scale (NVAAS) to assess level of anxiety and c) Anxiety reducing strategies questionnaire used to assess subjects preferences of anxiety reducing strategies prior to coronary angiography.More than half of the study subjects had moderate to severe anxiety. The study subjects preferred supplication, prayer and listening and recitation of Quran to control their anxiety before Coronary angiography. In-service training programs should be planned and applied frequently to all nurses to boost their knowledge and practice regarding patients psychological status especially before coronary angiography procedure

Anxiety Coronary Angiography Patient Preferences