
Genetic variation in interleukin 28 receptor, alpha (IL28RA) and its association with the outcomes of HCV infection in Egyptian population /

Rania Dawod Ahmed Dawod

Genetic variation in interleukin 28 receptor, alpha (IL28RA) and its association with the outcomes of HCV infection in Egyptian population / و ارتباطه بوجود فيروس التهاب الكبد الوبائى (سى) فى المجتمع المصرى IL28RA الإختلاف الجينى فى مستقبلات انترلوكين 28: ألفا Rania Dawod Ahmed Dawod ; Supervised Elsayed Tarek Abdelsalam , Amr Elsayed Ahmed Yousef - Cairo : Rania Dawod Ahmed Dawod , 2016 - 133 P. ; 25cm

Thesis (M.Sc.) - Cairo University - Faculty of Science - Department of Botany - Microbiology

Egypt has the highest prevalence of hepatitis C virus (HCV) worldwide. Single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) of IL28RA rs11249006 in adults was shown to be associated with HCV clearance in previous studies. This work aimed to detect the role of SNP in IL28RA gene rs11249006 on the response to pegylated interferon-Ü2a (PEG-IFN-Ü2a) plus ribavirin (RBV) therapy in HCV Egyptian patients. This study also analyzed the role of factors other than genotype (host and viral factors) that asses the therapeutic efficiency of treatment. Fourty HCV patients treated by PEG-IFN-Ü2a plus RBV therapy and ten healthy controls were tested for SNP in IL28RA gene rs11249006 by real-Time PCR. Patients were divided according to their virological response into 2 groups; group }= responders and group S = non-responders. The present study indicates absence of relationship among SNP of IL28RA rs11249006 and clearance of HCV infection but on another side other laboratory factors as hemoglobin, alpha fetoprotein, random blood glucose and alkaline phosphatase still could be considered as more reliable predictors for response to HCV therapy

HCV IL28RA Interferon