Studies on barley yellow dwarf virus (BYDV) affecting some cereal crops in Egypt /
Khaled Mohammed Essam Eldin
Studies on barley yellow dwarf virus (BYDV) affecting some cereal crops in Egypt / دراسات على فيروس التقزم الاصفر فى الشعير على بعض النجيليات فى مصر Khaled Mohammed Essam Eldin ; Supervised Elsaid Ahmed Salama , Ali Mohamed Mammon Abd El salam , Naglla Abd El moneim Abdallah , Ahmed BahiEldin Mohamed - Cairo : Khaled Mohammed Essam Eldin , 2006 - 144[9]P : charts , photographs ; 25cm
Thesis (PH.D.) - Cairo University - Faculty Of Agriculture - Department Of Plant Pathology and Physiology
Yellow dwarf symptoms on wheat plants (triticum aestivum L) were collected from the open field it was found that the viral causal agent of these types of symptoms was found to be transmitted by the brid cherry - oat aphids rhopalosphum padi , (L)
BYDVs Letioviridae PAV Rhopalosiphum padi RMY
Studies on barley yellow dwarf virus (BYDV) affecting some cereal crops in Egypt / دراسات على فيروس التقزم الاصفر فى الشعير على بعض النجيليات فى مصر Khaled Mohammed Essam Eldin ; Supervised Elsaid Ahmed Salama , Ali Mohamed Mammon Abd El salam , Naglla Abd El moneim Abdallah , Ahmed BahiEldin Mohamed - Cairo : Khaled Mohammed Essam Eldin , 2006 - 144[9]P : charts , photographs ; 25cm
Thesis (PH.D.) - Cairo University - Faculty Of Agriculture - Department Of Plant Pathology and Physiology
Yellow dwarf symptoms on wheat plants (triticum aestivum L) were collected from the open field it was found that the viral causal agent of these types of symptoms was found to be transmitted by the brid cherry - oat aphids rhopalosphum padi , (L)
BYDVs Letioviridae PAV Rhopalosiphum padi RMY