
Role of ultrasonography and magnetic resonance in the evaluation of carpal tunnel sydrome : Comparative study with electrophysiological examination /

Rania Zakaria Abolezz

Role of ultrasonography and magnetic resonance in the evaluation of carpal tunnel sydrome : Comparative study with electrophysiological examination / دور فحص الموجات الصوتية و الرنين المغناطيسى فى تقييم متالازمة النفق الرسغى المرضية دراسة مقارنة مع فحص الفسيولوجيا العصبية Rania Zakaria Abolezz ; Supervised Magdy Ibrahim Bassiouni , Rasha Mohamed Kamal , Saly Hassan Elkholy - Cairo : Rania Zakaria Abolezz , 2000 - 137P. : ill ; 25cm

Thesis (M.Sc.) - Cairo University - Faculty Of Medicine - Department Of Radio-diagnosis

Carpal tunnel sydrome Median nerve MRI