
Investigations of the properties change of some alloys with mechanical stress using laser techniques /

Ahmed Said Yassien Mousa

Investigations of the properties change of some alloys with mechanical stress using laser techniques / بحث تغير الخواص لبعض السبائك مع الاجهاد الميكانيكى بإستخدام تقنية الليزر Ahmed Said Yassien Mousa ; Supervised Mohy Saad Mansour , Ahmed Asaad I. Khalil , Hisham Imam Mahmoud - Cairo : Ahmed Said Yassien Mousa , 2016 - 104 P. : charts , facsimiles ; 25cm

Thesis (M.Sc.) - Cairo University - National Institute of Laser Enhanced Science - Department of Laser Application in Engineering

In this thesis, LIBS has been utilized to determine the elemental composition of metal samples by forming micro plasma on the surface of a ten specimens from unknown standard steel alloy. LIBS and ICP methods were used for detecting elemental analysis of alloys. Laser hardening is a method of heat treatment of alloy steel depends on the potentiality of laser as heat source of high rapid heating rate occurring phase transformation on the heated surface

Heat treatment ICP LIBS