
Study of human papilloma Virus cervical infection among Egyptian S.L.E.females /

Saadat Mohamed Elghawabi

Study of human papilloma Virus cervical infection among Egyptian S.L.E.females / دراسة اصابة عنق الرحم بالفيروسات لدى السيدات المصريات المصابات بالذئبة الحمراء Saadat Mohamed Elghawabi ; Supervised Nashwa Taher Allam , Mohamed Zayed Abdelaziz , Amany Ali Elkholy - Cairo : Saadat Mohamed Elghawabi , 2001 - 153P. ; 25cm

Thesis (Ph.D.) - Cairo University - Faculty Of Medicine - Department Of Rheumatology and Rehabilitation

HPV SLE Systemic lupus erythematosus