
Some Aquatic Insects and Freshwater Invertebrates for The evaluation of Bacteriological Pollution in Elzomor and Elmariotya Canals , Giza Governorate (Egypt) /

Ibrahim Abd Elhamid Ibrahim

Some Aquatic Insects and Freshwater Invertebrates for The evaluation of Bacteriological Pollution in Elzomor and Elmariotya Canals , Giza Governorate (Egypt) / بعض الحشرات المائية ولافقاريات المياه العذبة كدلائل حيوية لتقييم مدى التلوث البكتيرى بمياه ترعتى الزمر والمريوطية بمحافظه الجيزة (مصر) Ibrahim Abd El hamid Ibrahim ; Supervised Fatma K.Adham , Refaat M.Gabre - Cairo : Ibrahim Abd Elhamid Ibrahim , 2006 - 215P : ill ; 30cm

Thesis (PH.D.) - Cairo University - Faculty Of Science - Department Of Entomology

The effect of Physical (temperature , electrical conductivity , visibility , movement , depth and pH of water samples) and chemical (total alkalinity , total hardiness , chloride content , salinity values , ion ratios and water quality classification) Changes in water quality were recorded as well as their impact on the Distribution and abundance degrees of the aquatic invertebrate populations

Analysis benzodiazepines