Some Aquatic Insects and Freshwater Invertebrates for The evaluation of Bacteriological Pollution in Elzomor and Elmariotya Canals , Giza Governorate (Egypt) /
Ibrahim Abd Elhamid Ibrahim
Some Aquatic Insects and Freshwater Invertebrates for The evaluation of Bacteriological Pollution in Elzomor and Elmariotya Canals , Giza Governorate (Egypt) / بعض الحشرات المائية ولافقاريات المياه العذبة كدلائل حيوية لتقييم مدى التلوث البكتيرى بمياه ترعتى الزمر والمريوطية بمحافظه الجيزة (مصر) Ibrahim Abd El hamid Ibrahim ; Supervised Fatma K.Adham , Refaat M.Gabre - Cairo : Ibrahim Abd Elhamid Ibrahim , 2006 - 215P : ill ; 30cm
Thesis (PH.D.) - Cairo University - Faculty Of Science - Department Of Entomology
The effect of Physical (temperature , electrical conductivity , visibility , movement , depth and pH of water samples) and chemical (total alkalinity , total hardiness , chloride content , salinity values , ion ratios and water quality classification) Changes in water quality were recorded as well as their impact on the Distribution and abundance degrees of the aquatic invertebrate populations
Analysis benzodiazepines
Some Aquatic Insects and Freshwater Invertebrates for The evaluation of Bacteriological Pollution in Elzomor and Elmariotya Canals , Giza Governorate (Egypt) / بعض الحشرات المائية ولافقاريات المياه العذبة كدلائل حيوية لتقييم مدى التلوث البكتيرى بمياه ترعتى الزمر والمريوطية بمحافظه الجيزة (مصر) Ibrahim Abd El hamid Ibrahim ; Supervised Fatma K.Adham , Refaat M.Gabre - Cairo : Ibrahim Abd Elhamid Ibrahim , 2006 - 215P : ill ; 30cm
Thesis (PH.D.) - Cairo University - Faculty Of Science - Department Of Entomology
The effect of Physical (temperature , electrical conductivity , visibility , movement , depth and pH of water samples) and chemical (total alkalinity , total hardiness , chloride content , salinity values , ion ratios and water quality classification) Changes in water quality were recorded as well as their impact on the Distribution and abundance degrees of the aquatic invertebrate populations
Analysis benzodiazepines