
Role of transvaginal color doppler imaging of corpus luteum and uteroplacental blood flow combined with serum progesterone and beta subunit of human chorionic gonadotrophins as prognostic criteria in threatened first trimesteric abortion /

Ahmed Mahmoud Sayed Aly

Role of transvaginal color doppler imaging of corpus luteum and uteroplacental blood flow combined with serum progesterone and beta subunit of human chorionic gonadotrophins as prognostic criteria in threatened first trimesteric abortion / دورالموجات فوق الصوتية بالدوبلرالملون عبرالمهبل لتقييم الدورة الدموية فى الجسم الاصفر والرحم والمشيمة بالاضافة الى قياس هورمون البروجيستيرون وهورمون الحمل بالدم فى متابعة حالات الاحهاض المبكر المنذر فى الثلاث اشهر الاولى من الحمل Ahmed Mahmoud Sayed Aly ; Supervised Omar Abd El aziz Mohamed , Essam Mostafa AboElfetouh , Lamia Aly Mansour - Cairo : Ahmed Mahmoud Sayed Aly , 2002 - 174P ; 25cm

Thesis (PH.D.) - Cairo University - Faculty Of Medicine - Department Of Gynecology and Obstetrics

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