
Comparative study of bone metabolism in patients with chronic liver disease with and without chronic renal failure /

Milad Samual Shenouda

Comparative study of bone metabolism in patients with chronic liver disease with and without chronic renal failure / دراسة مقارنة فى التمثيل الغذائى للعظام لدى مرضى الكبد المزمن مع و بدون فشل كلوى مزمن Milad Samual Shenouda ; Supervised Rashed Samy Barsoum , Mona Abou Elmaaty Elzein , Mamdouh Eissa Sharaf Eldeen - Cairo : Milad Samual Shenouda , 2003 - 246P : ill ; 25cm

Thesis (PH.D.) - Cairo University - Faculty Of Medicine - Department Of Internal Medicine

Hepatic osteodystroph Renal osteodystroph Vitamin D