
A prospective observational study for the use of peripheral perfusion index as a predictor for patient{u2019}s response to deliberate hypotension during functional endoscopic sinus surgery /

Sherif Abdallah Mohamed

A prospective observational study for the use of peripheral perfusion index as a predictor for patients response to deliberate hypotension during functional endoscopic sinus surgery / استخدام مؤشرالتروية الطرفية كمتنبئ لاستجابة المريض لهبوط الضغط المتعمد أثناء التخدير فى جراحة الجيوب الأنفية بالمنظار Sherif Abdallah Mohamed ; Supervised Mohamed Abdulatif Mohamed , Neamat Ibrahim Abdelrahman , Ahmed Mohamed Mukhtar - Cairo : Sherif Abdallah Mohamed , 2017 - 104 P. : charts ; 25cm

Thesis (Ph.D.) - Cairo University - Faculty of Medicine - Department of Anaesthesia

The deliberate hypotensive anesthesia is a method to reduce arterial blood pressure (ABP) within limits to reduce bleeding and improve the field but with risk of vital organ hypoperfusion due to different patients response. we aimed to study the use of the perfusion index (PI) for prediction of patients response to deliberate hypotension in FESS operation.45 patients were studied ,we measured PI baseline and during nitroglycerine infusion and the dose needed to reach target ABP. We found that PI predicted the need for larger doses and predicted the dose itself

Deliberate hypotension Perfusion index Prediction