
Haematological, some serum electrolytes and trace elements changes in dogs suffering from different gastroentropathies /

Noha Mohamed Mohamed Ahmed Elmotaily

Haematological, some serum electrolytes and trace elements changes in dogs suffering from different gastroentropathies / دراسات إكلينيكيه و معمليه عن التغيرات فى صورة الدم :اليكتروليتات و بعض العناصر الصغرى فى مصل دم الكلاب المصابه بإضطرابات فى القناة الهضميه Noha Mohamed Mohamed Ahmed Elmotaily ; Supervised Osama Mohamed Ahmed Abdou , Hitham Abdelsaeed Mohamed Abdo - Cairo : Noha Mohamed Mohamed Ahmed Elmotaily , 2017 - 108 P. : charts ; 25cm

Thesis (M.Sc.) - Cairo University - Faculty of Veterinary Medicine - Department of Internal Medicine and Infectious Diseases

The present study included. 95 dogs of different breed's ages and sex were belonging to Cairo and Giza governorates which admitted to the teaching veterinary hospital, faculty of veterinary medicine, Cairo university. All dogs were thoroughly examined. From them 20 apparently healthy dogs which admitted either for vaccination or general health checkup and 75 digestive disease dogs. Which were divided into four groups included vomiting (23 cases), diarrhoea (22 cases), concurrent vomiting and diarrhea (21 cases), and constipation (9 cases). Clinical examination was performed on each case included respiration, pulse rate. mm and rectal temperature,. Fecal analysis was also applied to all cases. Haematological parameters erythron (Hb, PCV, RBCs, MCV, MCH, MCHC), leukon (total WBCs, and differential WBcs viz. Neutrophil, lymphocytes, monocytes, esenophiles and basophiles) and thrombon Were assessed; Some Serum electrolytes and trace elements were also assessed. Regarding the trace elements in case of vomiting, diarrhoea and concurrent vomiting and diarrhoea there was significant decrease in serum copper and zinc levels and non-significant decrease of serum iron in dogs compared with healthy dogs. So our figures are so far the first in this context recommendation: With regard to serum trace elements, our figures are so far the first in this context .It, however, necessitates further studies

Biochemistry Digestive problems in dogs Haematology