Studies on some clinical and behavioral problems of cats and dogs and their treatments /
Dalia Abdallah Ali Mohammed
Studies on some clinical and behavioral problems of cats and dogs and their treatments / دراسات عن بعض المشاكل الاكلينيكية والسلوكية فى القطط والكلاب وطرق علاجها Dalia Abdallah Ali Mohammed ; Supervised Essam Mostafa Abdelgawad , Hassan Taha Elhamamsy - Cairo : Dalia Abdallah Ali Mohammed , 2017 - 135 P. : charts , photogrphs , maps ; 25cm
Thesis (M.Sc.) - Cairo University - Faculty of Veterinary Medicine - Department of Veterinary Hygiene and Management
This study was carried out on 100 pet animals (63 dogs and 37cats) of different breeds and different age during the period of November 2014 to September 2016 in pet clinic of Directorate of Veterinary Medicine at Giza Governorate and Animal Friends Shelter at Shabrament. Four methods of collecting data were used (Questionnaire, owner interview, clinical examination and video tape analysis). The aim of this study was to analyze the pet-owners relationships and the effect of some factors of the owners (gender, age, jobs, education and his social status) on the development of some behavior problems in dogs and cats as (aggression, separating anxiety, fear, scratching furniture and inappropriate elimination) and to recode some clinical problems in dogs and cats(GIT upsets- urine retention- neurological disorders ,metabolic diseases, dermatological diseases, surgical problems etc) and to study the effect of some environmental conditions (housing- social life of animals) and management practices(types food -feeding times- vaccination program- availability of litter box) on the development of behavioral and clinical disorders and the suggested strategies of treatments
Dog/cat population statistic Dogs Pet owner relationship
Studies on some clinical and behavioral problems of cats and dogs and their treatments / دراسات عن بعض المشاكل الاكلينيكية والسلوكية فى القطط والكلاب وطرق علاجها Dalia Abdallah Ali Mohammed ; Supervised Essam Mostafa Abdelgawad , Hassan Taha Elhamamsy - Cairo : Dalia Abdallah Ali Mohammed , 2017 - 135 P. : charts , photogrphs , maps ; 25cm
Thesis (M.Sc.) - Cairo University - Faculty of Veterinary Medicine - Department of Veterinary Hygiene and Management
This study was carried out on 100 pet animals (63 dogs and 37cats) of different breeds and different age during the period of November 2014 to September 2016 in pet clinic of Directorate of Veterinary Medicine at Giza Governorate and Animal Friends Shelter at Shabrament. Four methods of collecting data were used (Questionnaire, owner interview, clinical examination and video tape analysis). The aim of this study was to analyze the pet-owners relationships and the effect of some factors of the owners (gender, age, jobs, education and his social status) on the development of some behavior problems in dogs and cats as (aggression, separating anxiety, fear, scratching furniture and inappropriate elimination) and to recode some clinical problems in dogs and cats(GIT upsets- urine retention- neurological disorders ,metabolic diseases, dermatological diseases, surgical problems etc) and to study the effect of some environmental conditions (housing- social life of animals) and management practices(types food -feeding times- vaccination program- availability of litter box) on the development of behavioral and clinical disorders and the suggested strategies of treatments
Dog/cat population statistic Dogs Pet owner relationship