
Productivity and water use efficiency of corn and soybean under solid and intercropping systems /

Neama Abdelsalheen Saleh

Productivity and water use efficiency of corn and soybean under solid and intercropping systems / الإنتاجية و كفاءة إستخدام المياه للذرة الشامية و فول الصويا تحت نظم الزراعة المنفردة و المحملة Neama Abdelsalheen Saleh ; Supervised Abdelalim Abdelrhman Metwally , Sayed Ahmed Safina , Rushdy Mohamed Elkiilany - Cairo : Neama Abdelsalheen Saleh , 2017 - 120 P. : charts , facsimiles ; 25cm

Thesis (M.Sc.) - Cairo University - Faculty of Agriculture - Department of Agronomy

The treatments were the combinations between three applied irrigation water levels (75, 100 and 125% of the recommended water applied) and six cropping systems (50% soybean+100% corn, 100% soybean+100% corn), traditional solid corn, solid corn (mixed system), traditional solid soybean and solid soybean (mixed system). The experimental design was split plot design with four replications. The results indicated that LAI of soybean and corn were affected significantly by applied irrigation of water. Soybean LAI was affected significantly by cropping systems, meanwhile corn LAI was not affected. Soybean solid culture had the highest values for soybean LAI as compared to those of intercropping cultures. Intercropping soybean with corn (100% soybean+100% corn) and application 3750 m3 of irrigation water/fad produced the highest LAI of both components as compared with the other treatments. Seed yields per plant and per fad and HI were not affected significantly by levels of applied irrigation water but the converse was true with number of pods per plant and seed index. Most of corn traits were affected significantly by applied irrigation water. Traditional solid soybean culture had the highest values of number of pods and seed yields per plant and per fad as compared to those of intercropping systems. Intercropping soybean with corn decreased seed yields per plant and per fad by about 47.94 and 55.76%, respectively, as compared with those of traditional solid culture of soybean. Applied irrigation water levels x cropping systems did not affect significantly all the studied soybean traits

Corn Intercropping Soybean