Prevalence of hypertension disease among ceramic industry workers : Adherance to therapeutic regimen, Elfayoum Governorate /
Maha Ibrahim Elbayoumy Ali
Prevalence of hypertension disease among ceramic industry workers : Adherance to therapeutic regimen, Elfayoum Governorate / مدى انتشار مرض ضغط الدم المرتفع بين عمال مصنع السيراميك و ألتزامهم بالنظام العلاجى بمحافظة الفيوم Maha Ibrahim Elbayoumy Ali ; Supervised Nagat Said Habib , Heba Magdy Hamad - Cairo : Maha Ibrahim Elbayoumy Ali ; 2017 - 100 Leaves : charts , facsimiles , 30cm
Thesis (M.Sc.) - Cairo University - Faculty of Nursing - Department of Community Health Nursing
Aim of the study: To assess the prevalence of hypertension disease among workers at Ceramic Industry. - To assess the adherence to hypertension therapeutic regimen among workers at Ceramic Industry. Design: Descriptive exploratory design was utilized. Sample: Four hundred workers in ceramic industry who met the inclusion criteria. Setting: The study was conducted in Pharaohs Group ceramic industry in El-Fayoum Governorate. Tools: Two tools were used; first tool: Ceramic workers physical data record, it included the following parts: Part (A) - Socio-Demographic data and Part (B) - Physical assessment data. Second tool: Hypertension regimen adherence questionnaire sheet Results: The current study reveals that, 60.3% of the workers were 35 to less than 45 yrs with a mean age of 36.3 + 7.1 years old. The prevalence of hypertension among workers at ceramic industry was 19.5%, whereas 56.41% of workers had poor adherence to hypertension therapeutic regimen. There was significant correlation between adherence to medication and blood pressure measurement (p=0.002) and there was significant correlation between hypertension and age, educational level, working experience and body mass index (p=0.0001).Conclusion: The study concluded that, 19, 5% of the workers had hypertension and 56.41% of them had poor adherence to hypertension therapeutic regimen. Recommendation: Raise awareness of workers regarding other aspects such as physical activities and reduce intake of salt should be addressed
Adherence Hypertension Prevalence
Prevalence of hypertension disease among ceramic industry workers : Adherance to therapeutic regimen, Elfayoum Governorate / مدى انتشار مرض ضغط الدم المرتفع بين عمال مصنع السيراميك و ألتزامهم بالنظام العلاجى بمحافظة الفيوم Maha Ibrahim Elbayoumy Ali ; Supervised Nagat Said Habib , Heba Magdy Hamad - Cairo : Maha Ibrahim Elbayoumy Ali ; 2017 - 100 Leaves : charts , facsimiles , 30cm
Thesis (M.Sc.) - Cairo University - Faculty of Nursing - Department of Community Health Nursing
Aim of the study: To assess the prevalence of hypertension disease among workers at Ceramic Industry. - To assess the adherence to hypertension therapeutic regimen among workers at Ceramic Industry. Design: Descriptive exploratory design was utilized. Sample: Four hundred workers in ceramic industry who met the inclusion criteria. Setting: The study was conducted in Pharaohs Group ceramic industry in El-Fayoum Governorate. Tools: Two tools were used; first tool: Ceramic workers physical data record, it included the following parts: Part (A) - Socio-Demographic data and Part (B) - Physical assessment data. Second tool: Hypertension regimen adherence questionnaire sheet Results: The current study reveals that, 60.3% of the workers were 35 to less than 45 yrs with a mean age of 36.3 + 7.1 years old. The prevalence of hypertension among workers at ceramic industry was 19.5%, whereas 56.41% of workers had poor adherence to hypertension therapeutic regimen. There was significant correlation between adherence to medication and blood pressure measurement (p=0.002) and there was significant correlation between hypertension and age, educational level, working experience and body mass index (p=0.0001).Conclusion: The study concluded that, 19, 5% of the workers had hypertension and 56.41% of them had poor adherence to hypertension therapeutic regimen. Recommendation: Raise awareness of workers regarding other aspects such as physical activities and reduce intake of salt should be addressed
Adherence Hypertension Prevalence