
Study of bacteriological profile of neonatal infections in two neonatal intensive care units in Egypt and their antibiotic susceptibility pattern /

Ahmed Ramadan Zaid Ataallah

Study of bacteriological profile of neonatal infections in two neonatal intensive care units in Egypt and their antibiotic susceptibility pattern / دراسة البكتريا المسببة لعدوى الأطفال حديثي الولادة في اثنتين من وحدات العناية المركزة لحديثي الولادة في مصر ونمط الحساسية للمضادات الحيوية الخاصة بها Ahmed Ramadan Zaid Ataallah ; Supervised Ismail Mohammed Bahie Eldin Elhawary , Walaa Alsharany Aboelhamd , Dina Mohammed Hassan - Cairo : Ahmed Ramadan Zaid Ataallah , 2017 - 126 P. ; 25cm

Thesis (M.Sc.) - Cairo University - Faculty Of Medicine - Department of Pediatrics

Neonatal sepsis remains a major cause of morbidity and mortality in the neonatal period.Neonatal septicemia is responsible for approximately 25% of the neonatal deaths in the worldand mostly in developing countries(WHO, 2013).Blood Culture is the gold standard for diagnosis of neonatal septicemia.Extended spectrum Ý-lactamases (ESBLs) are heterogenous bacterial enzymes that break down Ý-lactam antibiotics with extended spectrum (e.g., penicillins and cephalosporins)which are categorized based on structure and function (Brolund et al.,2013).Infections caused by ESBL-producing organisms are a significant cause of neonatal morbidity and mortality all over the world mainly attributed to the widespread use of broad-spectrum antibiotics. Our study was conducted over a period of one yearfrom May 2016 to April 2017 in two NICUs of Cairo University Pediatric Hospital and BenhaChildren Hospital (BENCH). The aim of the study is to determinethe susceptibility pattern of pathogens causing neonatal infections in two NICUs of Cairo University Pediatric Hospital and BenhaChildren Hospital (BENCH) and prevalence of infections caused by ESBL-producing organisms. The study included identification of neonatal sepsis rates, risk factors and identification of the most common organisms causing neonatal sepsis and antibiotic sensitivity to isolated organisms. All neonates admitted to both units were subjected to the following inclusion & exclusion criteria:- Inclusion criteria: All neonates (age 28 days) admitted in two NICUs during the one year study period. Exclusion criteria: Babies > 28 days on admission. All neonates were subjected to history taking , clinical examination , laboratory investigations including :complete blood count and blood culture on admission and subsequent CBCs and cultures of various clinical specimens will be done according to clinical circumstances (blood/urine/cerebrospinal fluid/stool/pus/peripheral long line catheter tip/centralvenous catheter tip/endotracheal tube tip/tracheal aspirate/bronchoalveolar lavage/pleural tap fluid/pericardial tap fluid/ascitic tap fluid)

Antibiotic susceptibility Bacteriological profile of neonatal infections Bacteriological profile of neonatal infections in two neonatal intensive care units