Arterial blood gases in liver cirrhosis with tense ascites in relation to serum oestradiol and progesterone /
Heba Sherif Gamal Azab Kareem
Arterial blood gases in liver cirrhosis with tense ascites in relation to serum oestradiol and progesterone / دراسة الغازات بالدم فى حالات تليف الكبد والاستسقاء الشديد مقارنة بنسبة الاستروجين والبروجستيرون فى الدم Heba Sherif Gamal Azab Kareem ; Supervised Khadiga Ashmawy , Mona Salem , Mohamed Sherif Mogawer - Cairo : Heba Sherif Gamal Azab Kareem , 1999 - 186P. ; 25cm
Thesis (M.Sc.) - Cairo University - Faculty Of Medicine - Department Of Internal Medicine
Arterial blood gases Ascites Liver cirrhosis
Arterial blood gases in liver cirrhosis with tense ascites in relation to serum oestradiol and progesterone / دراسة الغازات بالدم فى حالات تليف الكبد والاستسقاء الشديد مقارنة بنسبة الاستروجين والبروجستيرون فى الدم Heba Sherif Gamal Azab Kareem ; Supervised Khadiga Ashmawy , Mona Salem , Mohamed Sherif Mogawer - Cairo : Heba Sherif Gamal Azab Kareem , 1999 - 186P. ; 25cm
Thesis (M.Sc.) - Cairo University - Faculty Of Medicine - Department Of Internal Medicine
Arterial blood gases Ascites Liver cirrhosis