
Label-free highly sensitive biosensors based on silicon on insulator /

Ahmed Samy Saad Eldin Ahmed

Label-free highly sensitive biosensors based on silicon on insulator / المستشعرات الحيوية عالية الحساسية بدون وسائط اختبار المبنية علي تقنية السيليكون فوق العازل Ahmed Samy Saad Eldin Ahmed ; Supervised Essam M. A. Elkaramany , Mohamed Farhat Hameed - Cairo : Ahmed Samy Saad Eldin Ahmed , 2018 - 72 P. : charts , plans ; 30cm

Thesis (Ph.D.) - Cairo University - Faculty of Engineering - Department of Mathematics and Physics

A highly sensitive hybrid plasmonic slot-waveguide (HPSW) biosensors based on silicon-on-insulator (SOI) are proposed and analyzed for DNA hybridization detection. The reported designs are based on increasing the light interaction with the sensing region by using slot-waveguide with plasmonic material. Due to the high index contrast and plasmonic effect, an ultra-high optical confinement is achieved in the low-index regions which enables the detection of the smallest change in the analyte refractive index with high sensitivity. The simulation results are calculated using full vectorial finite element method (FVFEM)

DNA hybridization Label-free biosensor Slot-waveguide