
Effect of weather conditions on optimum design for barley sprouting rooms in Egypt and Kenya /

Mostafa Mostafa Kamel

Effect of weather conditions on optimum design for barley sprouting rooms in Egypt and Kenya / تأثير الظروف الجوية على التصميم الأمثل لغرف استنبات الشعير فى مصر و كينيا Mostafa Mostafa Kamel ; Supervised Fawzia Ibrahim Moursy , Alaa Abdelraouf Mohamed , Mostafa Abdelhameed Mohamed - Cairo : Mostafa Mostafa Kamel Taha , 2018 - 116 P. : charts ; 25cm

Thesis (M.Sc.) - Cairo University - Institute of African Research and Studies - Department of Natural Resources

Climate variability in arid and semi-arid regions, that represents a large sector of Arab region and East African. The hydroponic method needs optimum range of temperature, humidity, lighting and irrigation water, so this method is the optimum for producing large amount of animal fodder with minimum amount of water (save about 90% irrigation water, fertilizers and mechanical works). Barley (Hordeum vulgare, L.) harvested as feed is a significant source of forage for livestock producers in most arid and semiarid regions because it can be an inexpensive and readily available feed source. Forage barley has good yield and has been found to have higher nutritive value and lower fiber concentration than other small grains. The advantages of feeding green fodder are bulk of animal easily and quickly; major source of protein; good source of soluble and fibrous carbohydrate; good source of minerals; rich source of vitamins; and good source of water. The aim of the wok is to study the effect of some weather parameters as temperature, humidity and lighting; some engineering parameters as shelves height and its effect on produced barley fodder from quantity and quality. The treatments included four levels of temperature 20, 22, 24 and 26 C; four levels of humidity 55, 60, 65 and 70 %; four duration of lighting times 96, 120, 144 and 168, hours; and four levels of shelves heights 30, 35, 40 and 45 cm. Measurements included protein %; ash content; N%; P%; K %; and length of plant

Barley sprouting rooms in Egypt Barley sprouting rooms in Kenya Weather conditions