Evaluation of productive performance for guinea fowl under desert conditions /
Hesham Abd El Atty Mahmoued Soliman
Evaluation of productive performance for guinea fowl under desert conditions / تقييم الاداء الانتاجى لدجاج الوادى تحت الظروف الصحراوية Hesham Abd El Atty Mahmoued Soliman ; Supervised Shoukry Mohamed Tolba ElTantawy , Gamal_AlDen Kamar , Hassan Ismaiel Zaky - Cairo : Hesham Abd El Atty Mahmoued Soliman , 2006 - 150p : ill ; 25cm
Thesis (PH.D.) - Cairo University - Faculty Of Agriculture - Department Of Animal Production
The second generation was superior for shank , thigh , drumstick , keel , back , neck length , body depth and destine between pubic bones when compared with the first generation , with significant effect was between the two generations for these measurements
egg production guinea fowl
Evaluation of productive performance for guinea fowl under desert conditions / تقييم الاداء الانتاجى لدجاج الوادى تحت الظروف الصحراوية Hesham Abd El Atty Mahmoued Soliman ; Supervised Shoukry Mohamed Tolba ElTantawy , Gamal_AlDen Kamar , Hassan Ismaiel Zaky - Cairo : Hesham Abd El Atty Mahmoued Soliman , 2006 - 150p : ill ; 25cm
Thesis (PH.D.) - Cairo University - Faculty Of Agriculture - Department Of Animal Production
The second generation was superior for shank , thigh , drumstick , keel , back , neck length , body depth and destine between pubic bones when compared with the first generation , with significant effect was between the two generations for these measurements
egg production guinea fowl