
Intentional versus unintentional child toxicity at national center of environmental and clinical toxicologyresearch (NECTR) /

Rania Mohsen Abdelraheem

Intentional versus unintentional child toxicity at national center of environmental and clinical toxicologyresearch (NECTR) / حالات تسمم الاطفال المتعمد فى مقابل حالات تسمم الاطفال الغير متعمد بالمركز القومى لأبحاث السموم البيئية والاكلينيكية Rania Mohsen Abdelraheem ; Supervised Dina Ali Shokry , Hoda Abdelmagied Elghamry , Marwa Issak Mohamed - Cairo : Rania Mohsen Abdelraheem , 2018 - 194 P. : charts , facsimiles ; 25cm

Thesis (M.Sc.) - Cairo University - Faculty of Medicine - Department of Forensic Medicine Toxicology

Background: Poisoning is an important emergency as well as major problem in pediatric age groups throughout the world. Most of the poisoning in children is accidental. Unfortunately, the incidence of deliberate poisoning among adolescents is increasing due to changing familial and social conditions in our society. The causes and types of poisoning vary in different parts of the world and within the country also depending upon factors such as education, demography, socioeconomic factors, customs and local belief. Aim of the work: The purpose of this study was to Identify the common manner of toxicity and rate of child toxicity in Egypt. Also, it aimed to elucidate the precipitating factors for child poisoning and the common complication. Subjects and Methods: The current study was conducted on 152 of Egyptian participant of both sexes in age blew 18 years old at NECTR; 96 females and 56 males. They were classified into 4 age groups; toddlers (1-<3 yrs), early childhood (3-<9 yrs), late childhood (9-<13 yrs) and adolescent (13-<18 yrs). Data were analyzed with respect to demographic data of the patients: age, sex, residence, level of education and family status, and data of toxicity: manner of toxicity, type of poison, its availability to the child, place of exposure, amount and form of poison, duration between exposure and presentation, the first aid that may be done to the patient, associated morbidity, history of medications and Severity and mortality rate of each poisons detected by poison severity scoring (PSS) and the acute physiology and chronic health evaluation (APACHE II)

Manner of toxicity Pediatric toxicity Probable cause