
Geochemical and petrographicl assessment of cement raw materials and clinker from Sudr Alhaytan area, Central West Sinai, Egypt /

Hamed Medhat Abdelhameed

Geochemical and petrographicl assessment of cement raw materials and clinker from Sudr Alhaytan area, Central West Sinai, Egypt / التقييم الجيوكيميائي والبتروجرافي للخامات المستخدمة في صناعة الاسمنت في منطقة صدر الحيطان وسط غرب سيناء : مصر Hamed Medhat Abdelhameed ; Supervised Ali Abdelmotelib Ali , Amir Mohamed Hassan Said - Cairo : Hamed Medhat Abdelhameed , 2018 - 100 P. : ill. ; 25cm

Thesis (M.Sc.) - Cairo University - Faculty of Science - Department of Geology

The aim of our study is to give a feasibility report of the Sudr El-Hitan area West Central Sinai and declare a new field for manufacturing Portland cement. For this purpose, the studying limestone and clay available at different locations of the study area has been utilized in designing and preparation the raw mix. Various parameters are characterized the resulting of clinker samples, identify the surface morphological features and study characterization of produced clinker using SEM and thin section technique

Cement Egypt Sinai