
Assessment and management of phonological defects in children with specific language impairment /

Rehab AbdElhamed Gomala

Assessment and management of phonological defects in children with specific language impairment / تقييم وعلاج الخلل فى النطق عند الاطفال ذوى التأخر اللغوى النوعى Rehab A.Gomala ; Supervised Sayed Elfowly , Sanaa Ahmed Ali , Hossam Eldessouky - Cairo : Rehab AbdElhamed Qomala , 2007 - 273P. ; 25cm

Thesis (Ph.D.) - Cairo University - Faculty Of Medicine - Department Of E.N.T

Arabic speaking children with specific language impairment (SLI) have been under - investigated when it com4es to assessing their phonological awareness abilities and when proving them with a phonological awareness oriented therapy

Arabic - speaking children Phonological awareness SLI