
Immunological studies of C. perfringens type "A" using nanotechnology /

Aliaa Abdelbakey Mohamed Abdelbakey

Immunological studies of C. perfringens type "A" using nanotechnology / دراسات مناعية علي لقاح الكلوسترديم بيرفرينجنز نوع "أ" باستخدام تقنية النانو Aliaa Abdelbakey Mohamed Abdelbakey ; Supervised Mona Ibrahim Hassan Elenbaawy , Hamed Adel Hamed Elhelw - Cairo : Aliaa Abdelbakey Mohamed Abdelbakey , 2018 - 92 P. : charts , facsimiles ; 25cm

Thesis (Ph.D.) - Cairo University - Faculty of Veterinary Medicine - Department of Microbiology

Clostridium perfringens type A has a great impact in rabbit farms due to great loses and high mortalities specially among weaned rabbits, it causes severe diarrhea, bloat and enterotoxaemia. In the present work, C. perfringens alpha toxoid vaccine adjuvanted by either aluminum hydroxide gel and poly lactide co-Glycolic acid (PLGA) nanoparticles was prepared. It was revealed that enterotoxaemia and bloat vaccine adjuvanted by aluminum hydroxide gel in 2 doses protect rabbits for 6 months, while the vaccine adjuvanted by PLGA nanoparticles protect rabbits for 10 months after one shot of administration

C. perfringens Nanoparticles Poly-L-lactide-co-glycolidic acid PLGA