
Pediatric patient and their caregiver{u2019}s satisfaction with dental care services at pediatric dentistry department at faculty of oral and dental medicine cairouniversity, governmental hospital and medical center at ministry of health : Cross-sectional study /

Dalia Walid Mamdouh

Pediatric patient and their caregivers satisfaction with dental care services at pediatric dentistry department at faculty of oral and dental medicine cairouniversity, governmental hospital and medical center at ministry of health : Cross-sectional study / دراسه مقطعيه لمدى رضاء المرضى الاطفال وذويهم عن خدمات علاج اسنانهم بقسم طب اسنان الاطفال كلية طب الفم والاسنان جامعة القاهرة: مستشفى حكومى :ومركز طبى بوزاة الصحة Dalia Walid Mamdouh ; Supervised Mahmoud Hamdy , Rania Abdallah Nasr - Cairo : Dalia Walid Mamdouh , 2018 - 103 P. : charts ; 25cm

Thesis (M.Sc.) - Cairo University - Faculty of Oral and Dental Medicine - Department of Dental Public Health

Objective:To assess the satisfaction of pediatric patients and their caregivers taken from 3 different health care services towards the quality of the dental care services. Subjects and Methods: A stratified random cross sectional observational study was conducted at the Pediatric Dentistry Department at Faculty of Oral and Dental Medicine Cairo University, Governmental Hospital and Medical Center at Ministry of Health on 510 patients (267 girls and 243 boys), modified PSQIII (Patient Satisfaction Questionnaire III) was used to collect the data from the caregivers.Results:There was no association between the satisfaction score and sociodemographic variables, there were more girls at Faculty of Oral and Dental Medicine 100 girls (58.8%) compared to Medical Center 76 girls (44.7%) and Governmental Hospital 91 girls (53.5%),pediatric patients in Governmental Hospital with mean age( 7.7) years are older than other 2 groups, the highest satisfaction score was at the Faculty of Oral and Dental Medicine with (Median score=4)Conclusion: Pediatric patients and their caregivers were satised with the mean of communication with the dentist and interpersonal aspects, time spent with the dentist and technical quality. Access, availability, waiting time and waiting room were identified as reasons for dissatisfaction

Caregivers satisfaction Dediatric patients Dental services