
Macro and microscopical study on the respiratory system of the adult rabbits and domestic cats /

Yara Sayed Abouelela Ali Eid

Macro and microscopical study on the respiratory system of the adult rabbits and domestic cats / دراسة عيانية ومجهرية على الجهاز التنفسي فى الارانب و القطط المستأنسة البالغة Yara Sayed Abou Elela Ali Eid ; Supervised Safwat Ahmed Ragab , Samer Mohamed Daghash , Mohamed AbdelRazik Khattab - Cairo : Yara Sayed Abouelela Ali Eid , 2018 - 298 P. : facsimiles ; 25cm

Thesis (Ph.D.) - Cairo University - Faculty of Veterinary Medicine - Department of Anatomy and Embryology

Studying the anatomical differences of the respiratory system of both rabbit and cat offers a valuable evidence for clinicians regarding the possibility of utilization as models to human being studies. This work was conducted using clinically healthy twenty five for each domestic cats and White New Zealand rabbits, of different sexes and weights. Different techniques were applied from drying, fixed, specimens as well as histological and histochemical studies. The nostrils of rabbit were slit like opening with complete deep cleft philtrum while the cat nostrils were semicircular with shallow grooved philtrum. The nasal septum of rabbit was three layers while in the cat was only single layer. The nasal septum of both rabbit and cat showed high level of acidic mucins in the lining epithelium and low level of neutral mucins. The corniculates and cuniform cartilages were appeared in the larynx of the rabbit and disappeared in the cat

Cat Nasal Cavity Rabbit