
Physiological studies on pepper plants /

Fatma Elzahra Mohamed Abdelatty Deyab

Physiological studies on pepper plants / دراسات فسيولوجية على نباتات الفلفل Fatma Elzahra Mohamed Abdelatty Deyab ; Supervised Sayed Fathey Elsayed , Amal Mohamed Farag , Arafa Emam Arafa - Cairo : Fatma Elzahra Mohamed Abdelatty Deyab , 2018 - 93 P. ; 25cm

Thesis (Ph.D.) - Cairo University - Faculty of Agriculture - Department of Vegetable

This study was conducted at the East Experiment Farm of faculty of Agriculture, Cairo University in an open filed during two consecutive seasons of 2015/2016 and 2016/2017. A simplified soilless pot experiment was designed to investigate the production of two hot pepper cultivars Super Naar, Sina Hot and two sweet cultivars Dolma and Top star under four different nutrient solution treatments. Nutrient solutions used were Macronutrient plus micronutrient (M&M), compost extract, Hochmuth and Hochmuth (H&H) solution and Modified Cooper (the commercial nutrient solution used in Egypt) as control. The experimental design for each type of cultivars was complete randomize block deign in 2 x 4 factorial arrangement, with three replicates, each replicate consisted of 4 pots. Results showed that cultivar Super Naar surpassed Sina Hot' and Top Star surpassed Dolma in yield, and while the reverse was true regarding number of fruits per plant. Data showed that mineral nutrients increased fruit and leaves content of nutrient, chlorophyll, Vitamin C and dry weight, in addition to plant height, fruit physical characters compared to compost extract., were H&H was higher followed by Modified cooper

Fertilizer Peppers Soilless culture