
Influence of early postoperative nutrition on post surgical infections /

Marwa Ali Mohammed Ahmed

Influence of early postoperative nutrition on post surgical infections / تأثير التغذية في وقت مبكر علي العدوي بعد العمليات الجراحية Marwa Ali Mohammed Ahmed ; Supervised Alia Hasan Abdelfattah , Elsyed Gaber Ali , Farouk Mostafa Fares - Cairo : Marwa Ali Mohammed Ahmed , 2019 - 140 P. : charts ; 25cm

Thesis (M.Sc.) - Cairo University - Faculty of Medicine - Department of Critical Care Medicine

The improvement of nutritional status and quality of life are the most important nutritional goals in the postoperative period [141]. Serum protein is an important indicator of the body's nutri»tional status with a serum half life of approximately 20 days serving as a potential marker for nutritional status. C-reactive protein (CRP) may be a first signal of a complicated course such as infection [142,143]. The prognostic role of CRP and albumin can be explained by their abilities to reflect inflammation in the acute phase in critical settings and assess the nutritional status of critically ill patients

Arly postoperative nutrition C-reactive protein (CRP) Surgical infections