
Role of some parasite antigens in protection against schistosoma mansoni infection /

Eman Moustafa Hilmy Youssef Meabed

Role of some parasite antigens in protection against schistosoma mansoni infection / دور مولدات الضد لبعض الطفيليات فى الوقاية من العدوى بالبلهارسيا المعوية Eman Moustafa Hilmy Youssef Meabed ; Supervised Soad Abdelsalam Elrefaie , Abdelhamid Abdeltawab Sabry , Mohamed Moaawad Elbahi - Cairo : Eman Moustafa Hilmy Youssef Meabed , 2008 - 157P. : ill. ; 25cm

Thesis (Ph.D.) - Cairo University - Faculty Of Medicine - Department Of Parasitology

In the present study five selected antigens (Schistosoma mansoni execretory - secretory (E\\S) antigen.S.mansoni cercarial Ag.F.gigantica (E\\S) Ag , Toxocara canis crude Ag and Cysticercus celluosae crude Ag) were prepared

Cysticercus Fasciola gigantica Schistosoma mansoni