
The role of computer-assisted interactional feedback in enhancing the acquisition of lexical and grammatical cohesive markers in EFL learners{u2019} Writing /

Maha Gouda Elbatanouny

The role of computer-assisted interactional feedback in enhancing the acquisition of lexical and grammatical cohesive markers in EFL learners Writing / دور التعقيب التفاعلى بمساعدة الحاسوب فى تعزيز اكتساب أدوات الربط اللفظية و النحوية فى كتابات متعلمى اللغة الإنجليزية كلغة أجنبية Maha Gouda Elbatanouny ; Supervised Amira Agameya - Cairo : Maha Gouda Elbatanouny , 2019 - 123 P. : charts , facsimiles ; 25cm

Thesis (Ph.D.) - Cairo University - Faculty of Arts - Department of English

The present quasi-experimental study aimed to address the lack of cohesion in the learners EFL writing by exploring the effect of computer-assisted interactional feedback (CIF) using Canvas as a Learning Management System on the participants' uptake of lexical and grammatical cohesive markers. It also aimed to identify the participants and teachers attitudinal perceptions of the explicit and implicit corrective feedback. The 80 Upper Intermediate Egyptian participants were enrolled in the University of Science and Technology, Zewail City. The treatment included three different stages. The first stage was the exploratory pretreatment stage in which the participants were given the pretest to identify their prior knowledge of the target features. The second stage (treatment stage) was divided into two phases; the first phase included four interactional form-focused activities aiming to expose the participants, in their intact classes, to the correct use of the lexical and grammatical cohesive markers in written and spoken contexts whereas the second phase comprised the teachersCIF to the two drafts of the two writing assignments.The first experimental group (E1) received explicit CIF whereas the second one (E2) was exposed to an implicit CIF over a period of a three-month academic semester

EFL writing Interaction Hypothesis interactional corrective feedback