
The health impact of gender-based violence : A comparative medical anthropological study among adults in Cairo and Tunis /

Marwa Magdy

The health impact of gender-based violence : A comparative medical anthropological study among adults in Cairo and Tunis / العنف والنوع الاجتماعى و أثره على صحة البالغين بالقاهرة و تونس العاصمة : دراست مقارنة فى الأنثروبولوجيا الطبية Marwa Magdy ; Supervised Nancy Khattab , Hanan Elkahky , Tamer Mahmoud - Cairo : Marwa Magdy , 2019 - 99 P. : charts , facsimiles , photoghraphs ; 25cm

Thesis (M.Sc.) - Cairo University - Faculty of African Postgraduate Studies - Department of Anthropology

The well-being of the human body is a topic in which all societies are interested. Each society has a distinct way of defining and promoting good health and curing the ailments from which people suffer. Medical anthropologists research these cultural differences and involve themselves deeply in the cross-cultural issues surrounding health, illness, and health care. Violence against women is the most pervasive recognized human right violation in the world. It also is a profound health problem, sapping womens energy, compromising their physical health and eroding their self-esteem. In addition to causing injury, violence increases womens long-term risk of several health problems, including chronic pain, physical disability, drug and alcohol abuse, and depression. Each culture has its sayings and songs about the importance of home, and the comfort and security to be found there. Yet for many women, home is a place of pain and humiliation. Intimate partner violence is one of the most common forms of violence against women and includes physical, sexual and emotional abuse, and controlling behaviors by an intimate partner. The influence of abuse can persist long after the violence has stopped. The more severe the abuse, the greater its impact on a womans physical and mental health, and the impact over time of different types and multiple episodes of abuse appears to be cumulative. Many studies have found an association between intimate partner violence against women and negative social and health consequences for children including anxiety, depression, poor school performance and negative health outcomes

Adult Health Gender-based violence Medical anthropological